Photo Phriday – A Summer Night

This lovely picture was taken by my daughter – Rachel – on her cell phone. It is of the pier on the UW-Madison Memorial Union. A wonderful place to be on a summer night, as you can see! I can just feel the water tickling my toes and the beverage lighly fogging my brain.



6 comments on “Photo Phriday – A Summer Night

  1. Betty Davidson says:

    Beautiful picture! Love the composition – nicely done.

  2. Enchanting! Why did I go buy a fancy camera when such great shots can come from a cell phone? I think I have a major operator problem!

  3. Karla N says:

    That’s a perfect picture. Sunset on the water, kicking it back at college. How relaxing. Excellent eye, Rachel! Thanks fot sharing, Chistine!

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